News 新闻
《漫淡十年新州小城中文教学》- Queanbeyan 中文学校建校十周年
Queanbeyan 中文学校校长 张磊博士
人间四月芳菲尽,山寺桃花始盛开,长恨春归无觅处,不知转入此中来。作为新洲与首都地区的边陲小城,Queanbeyan 便利学习中文的春天是迟来了一段时间,但没有缺席。
春去春来,自2009年由几位家长创立Queanbeyan 中文学校现在已经整十年了。我一直想写点什么纪念一下,或者总结一下,有时觉得有很多话说,有时候又觉得都是些很平凡的事,就这样放着没动笔。我们从最初的几个学生,Queanbeyan多元文化中心的一间教室开始,虽心有所定,但对这家街道互助一般规模组织的非营利学校Queanbeyan的未来还不知所归。今天我们用自己的热情和执着谱写了十年路程,我们学校已经发展Queanbeyan/Jerrabomberra 地区唯一的中文社区语言学校,为当地华人子弟和各族裔喜爱中文的学生提供中文教学服务。我们的校址也早在多年前就迁到当地的一家中学Queanbeyan High School。
我们的文睿麟同学荣获2018年新洲教育部长奖(2018 Minister‘s Award for Excellence in Student Achievement Community Language School Commended) 。这份殊荣是十年来我校学生第一次获得。兴奋之余促使我就此开头,就从睿麟的一次作业写起,略摘几件教学中的感悟,算做一个纪念吧。
为了培养学生对中文诗歌的音乐美感,我们也弹着吉他学唱了歌曲《苔》,这学期几乎每次上中文课都唱15分钟,在考试的时候学生们把《苔》这首诗翻译成了英文。“梦是指路牌,为你亮起来,未来已打开,勇敢的小孩,每个人都是拼图不可缺的那一块...” 我想在一遍遍唱歌的时候,歌声慢慢的化作心声,形式慢慢变成理解,旋律诗词可以不经意时脱口而出。学中文多认识几个字固然是基础性的重要,而逐渐有了中文的思维和对中文的欣赏却是更重要,在这一点上我们没有做照本宣科的教书先生,而是做了大量的不同尝试,现在看已经小有收获。
马琼老师的非中文背景班从无到有,发展良好。目前已有多位非华裔背景的学生。尤其是新南威尔士大学的 Sean
O’ Byren 教授为了让女儿
Linden 学好中文,以自己40多岁的年龄也报了名成为我校唯一的一名成年人学生。他每次上课都会认真的学习,用中文记录公正的笔记,还经常帮助老师辅导其他小同学中文,堪称模范学生。而今,他可以流利的读中文课本,唱中文歌。在2019
Queanbeyan 多元文化节上 Sean 将做为领唱表演中文歌曲 《茉莉花》。我们期待着我们的中文的茉莉之香为当地多元文化添上芬芳的一味。
回首十年来的中文教学,我们实在不敢说在首都地区有多大影响,论人数、论影响我们都是一个很小的存在。然而我们就是这样默默的在周末做着一件事,十年一件事,就是教好我们的下一代中文。而今,在新洲的这个小城的中学里,在每个周六的上午我们的孩子们和其他喜欢中文的孩子一起,读中文,写汉字,唱古诗。Queanbeyan Park 的上空每年都飘荡着他们清纯的歌声“长亭外、古道边,芳草碧连天”。 我们这些志同道合的朋友们就这样走了十年,我们会继续走下去,相信我们的下一代能因此带着自己深厚的民族文化底蕴和身份认同自信的融入当地社会,他们必定与我们不同,他们也必将比我们优秀,到那时我希望他们会自豪的给他们的孩子讲一讲今天的故事。
我谨以此文鸣谢所有在过去十年中帮助过支持过我们 Queanbeyan 中文学校的机构:新南威尔士州教育局,Queanbeyan High School, Queanbeyan Multicultural center, Community Languages Schools Program Association of Illawarra Community Languages Schools Inc., 堪培拉华联社及中文学校,堪培拉中华学社,中华之家,澳大利亚堪培拉文化协会,澳大利亚标准中文学校,澳大利亚首都双语频道(AM 1323),澳大利亚新报。
Queanbeyan 中文学校十周年庆祝活动
Queanbeyan (QBN) 中文学校自 2009 年 2 月成立以来,已经走过了 10 年。因此我校准备举办 10 周年庆典以纪念十年的成就并展望未来,为中文和中华文化的传播继续努力。
- 1 月 21 日 澳大利亚新报将刊登《漫谈新州小城十年中文教学》,写在 QBN 中文学校成立十周年纪念文章。
- 参见 ACT 多元文化节表演:文化传承《龙的传人》,诗意歌唱《苔》
- 3 月 4 日 QBN 多元文化节,我们的澳洲学生中文演绎《茉莉花》,《苔》。
- 文化公开课:汉字的故事,诗意中文,东西方文化的交流与碰撞。
- 编辑出版十周年纪念图片文集。
Queanbeyan Chinese School 10 years anniversary
10 years have past since the start of our school in February 2009. During this time, we have consistently provided quality Chinese language and literacy training to children in Queanbeyan (QBN) and surroundings. Therefore, it is now a perfect time to celebrate our achievements and looking forward to the future.
Event summary:
- Article to be published on Australia Canberra Chinese Weekly: Talk on the experience of teaching Chinese in a local NSW town - Queanbeyan Chinese School 10 years anniversary.
- Student performance at ACT multicultural festival: Descendants of Dragon and Tai
- Student performance at Queanbeyan multicultural festival: Jasmine flower and Tai
- Public lecture on Chinese culture: the story of Han Zi (Chinese character)。 Chinese Poetry and, Exchange and collision between western and eastern cultures.
- Edition of 10 years anniversary literature collection.
【November 2018】
Interview with Queanbeyan Chinese School Principal Dr Zhang
澳洲首都双语频道(AM1323) 采访 Queanbeyan 中文学校校长张磊博士
【February 2018】
Celebrate ACT Multicultural Festival!
2018 Multicultural Festival was held from Friday 16 February to Sunday 18 February and our fabulous students and parents have participated in this wonderful event.
We students have performed Chinese Martial Arts whereas our parents have showcased their traditional Chinese dance. Here are some photos.
【December 2013】
- Another excellent school year has come to an end! Thank you to all teachers and students who have put in their best efforts to learn Chinese in 2013. The number of students attending our school has significantly increased and we hope to see this rise to continue in the future.
- Two of our Year 9 students Louise Lum and Ailin Zhang have officially graduated from our school, having completed the entire Biao Zhun Zhong Wen curriculum. We congratulate them and wish them success in the future!
- The year 2014 is the Year of the Horse, and Chinese New Year is on on the 31st of January 2014.
【October 2013】
- We have successfully relocated to Queanbeyan High School, and are currently using multiple classrooms in the B Block area.
- We have recently purchased a mini projecter for educational purposes. Teachers can use this device to aid in teaching, projecting images/text or displaying videos and movies.
- We were very sad to see two of our beloved teachers leave us this term. Thankyou to you both for contributing significantly to our Chinese school and we wish you the best of luck in your studies and work!
- However, we are warmly welcoming two new teachers who have just joined our school, and look forward to their learning journeys with our students.
- Recently two of our grade 9 students (Ailin Zhang and Louise Lum) submitted several of their Chinese articles into the Youth division of the 2013 Chinese ZhengWen Competition held by CSCS Canberra. We would like to proudly congratulating Ailin on receiving 2nd Place, and Louise receiving 3rd Place. Photos have been uploaded from the official Awards Ceremony in the website gallery.
- The last term of the year is starting very soon (next Saturday). We hope all the students had a relaxing and enjoyable break, and are looking forward to continuing their language journey as the term begins.
- Recently, big movements have been happening within the school. The Queanbeyan Chinese School has seen its rapid growth in new language students over the past few months; therefore, we have come to the decision of re-locating! The school has kindly received permission from the local Queanbyean Highschool to use its classrooms for chinese study!
【Febuary 2013】
- HAPPY NEW YEAR OF THE DRAGON EVERYONE!! 龙年大吉!! Hope this year is just as good as the last with many wonderful things to come!
- This year has already kicked off to a great start with our new student, Cici joining in on the Level 8 students!! Welcome Cici and we hope you enjoy your time at our school!! :)
【Febuary 2012】
- 祝大家兔年大吉!Happy Year of the Rabbit!
- Two of our students- Ailin Zhang and Louise Lum have recently participated in the AICLS competition "Folkloric Costumes." Congratulations to Louise Lum for recieving First Prize!! Well done to both of you!
- On the 13th June, Queanbeyan Chinese School students performed at the Kapa Haka Multicutural Festival and Children's Day. The children sang two songs, Jasmine Flower and School Kids. They did a fabulous job, Well Done!
- Carnivale (multicultural festival) was a big success, thankyou to our 6 performers for doing a fantastic job on the day!
- Good News!! We have successfully received our $1000 education fund from the NSW Government of Education.